Sunday, February 17, 2008

Photo Essay

In search of a photo essay to review, I tried to find a topic I would be somewhat interested in. I already knew I did not want to look at scenery or people I couldn't not connect in anyway to. I think a photo essay can be as boring or as interesting as you make it. So in search of a photo essay, I stumbled upon one of tattoos. A young woman had the idea to take photos of anyone she knew with a tattoo for a photography class. Some tattoos had meaning behind them, some were unique, and some were just out of place. I think I found the photo essay of tattoos interesting because I am contemplating on a tattoo. I thought I might get some inspiration However, I really didn't. I thought a lot their tattoos were weird or in weird places.

Did anyone find any inspiration in their photo essays?


sklmnop said...

My photo essay was about a parasite that is destroying a small village. It didn't really inspire me, but it did make me realize that no matter how small a town or village is, there can still be major problems within in it. I also realized that we as a county should try to as much as we can to help small villages going through things like that.

Anna Smiley said...

my photo essay did not inspire me at all, but yours is very interesting. i thought it was cool that you found a photo essay on tatoos and you are considering getting one. sorry you didn't get any ideas :(

Morgan Barnett said...

My essay was about the Great Depression and I have to say it didn't really inspire me either. It did make me realize, along with Sara's essay, that people in today's world don't realize how lucky they actually are. The tatoo pictures were pretty cool. I've never thought of getting one, but good luck.